We all know that leather handbags are quite popular among women because of the timeless look of leather material. There is always a risk of choosing a fake thing that looks almost like leather but is actually not. So, it is necessary to know how to find out the difference between authentic leather handbags and fake counterparts.
If you like genuine leather women’s handbags, you must find out the flaws of the fake products. Here is how you can do that with ease:
Tips to Identify Genuine Leather Handbags for Women
- Smell
If you have already sniffed leather then you will know that genuine leather has a different smell. Nothing can recreate this unique natural scent. So, you need to use your smelling ability when choosing genuine leather handbags for women. Real leather always has a ‘tough’ smell while fake ones always smell like synthetic or plastic.
- Touch
When you are trying to buy a genuine leather bag, just touch the material carefully. Real leather is a natural element, so when you touch it, it won’t feel completely smooth. Also, if you grab it with force, it will wrinkle a little bit.
In contrast, fake leather bags are made of replicas, hence, they feel a lot smoother and suppler. So, you must try to get the right one only after touching and feeling the material carefully.
- Sight
Just having a clear glance at a product, you can find out if that is genuine or fake. It is possible to spot a fake leather bag just by looking at the zippers and the shine of the surface. If the zippers are very rough or even not working properly, then it may be a fake product. You must know that a reliable leather bag maker who can make good-quality bags will surely produce better zippers for bags.
- Real Leather is Absorbent
Raw leather is passable. Hence, it can absorb humidity. As real leather is a passable and natural material, it is not possible to make it completely leakproof. Also, age can determine how effectively good leather will work at repelling liquids.
So, to check this out, just sprinkle some water on the leather bag and check if it absorbs it or not because fake leather will not absorb any fluids.
- Real One Won’t Get Scratches Easily
Fake leather will catch scratches easily. This material is more vulnerable to catching scratches due to its poor build quality. Thus, many people suggest animal hides that will go for a long time.
- Real Leather Doesn’t Look Perfect
Real leather comes from real animals. The parcels of skin are irregular. Sometimes, you will see some natural defects that are quite similar to scars, veining, stretch marks, etc.
In contrast, fake ones won’t have any mars, or wrinkles, and will look almost perfect. Thus, you will know that this option is not the right one.
- Real One is Durable
Pure leather is a flexible, strong, and durable material. Thus, it goes through chemical treatments to become stronger. The most common types of leather for leather women handbags come from lamb, cattle, scapegoats, buffalo, alligators, etc. Hence, if your handbag is made from real leather it will be highly durable, while fake ones won’t be.
- Fire Test
Though many people don’t want to perfect this test, it can still be helpful. If you light a matchstick under a leather bag, it won’t catch fire but will emit a fleshy pong. This will tell you that this one is pure. While, in the case of fake ones, the material will smell of burning plastic.
Hence, these are interesting tips and tricks that will help you to choose only the pure leather handbags and avoid fake ones.